ministry update for week of 5/23
"You start where I belong: on my knees." I am definitely doing a lot of praying these days. God has blessed me so much just through daily prayer. I know what you're probably thinking. "Duh! Aren't you a missionary? Shouldn't you know all about prayer?" Yes well this may come as a shock to you, but missionaries are humans. :P I have been especially blessed through praying for people. I have a list of all my contacts, family, friends, partners, and prospects. I pray through them about ten people at a time. On various occasions, I have prayed for an individual who later in the day I find out is going through something or in need of encouragement. It does my heart good to be able to say "Hey. I prayed for you today." :)
The song I have linked to above is on that I hear on the radio a lot these days. It was inspired by a story the writer heard about a young preacher who went to his pastor and asked what he had to do in order to start a revival. The pastor apparently took a piece of chalk and drew a circle around the man. Revival starts with me. The chorus is something I desire for my own life here and now: "You're my revival song. You start where I belong: on my knees, on my knees. When I am weak or strong you meet me here when I'm on my knees, on my knees."
So be encouraged friend. I am probably praying for you. Even if I don't know you. I believe that God has already prepared people to partner with or be affected by the ministry to which He has called me.
So anyway. Updates.
I finally got the spring newsletter out. Hope that you have either received it or seen it online.
This week has been much fuller than last. I have made a few encouraging calls, mostly resulting in follow up calls to possibly schedule an appointment. I expect almost all of these calls to result in an appointment, so be praying over the meetings and their outcomes. I know that God will be glorified through every single contact and meeting.
I had one particularly encouraging meeting with some friends who are deeply involved with CEF. God used this meeting to greatly encourage me, as well as give me some direction to his people who might be interested in hearing about the work being done in my life and through me.
Specific prayer requests for this week:
1. Bekah has been so good with riding along to meetings or letting me spend time on the phone or the computer. I know she isn;t doing this intentionally necessarily, but pray that God continues to bless her with a content and sweet spirit.
2. I am slowly growing my contact base. Be praying for God to cultivate new relationships in order to expand my ministry.
3. I have five potential ministry appointments. Pray that communication will work out between us and that the appointment dates will be set.
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